“The place where miracles happen!”

Welcome To Mind of Christ Minstries Int’l

At Mind of Christ Ministries International, we are dedicated to fostering a deeper understanding of the teachings of Christ, promoting spiritual growth, and building a supportive and inclusive community. Whether you are a long-time member or a first-time visitor, you are an integral part of our family. Explore the resources, engage with our vibrant community, and join us on a journey of faith and discovery. Here, you will find a sanctuary for spiritual nourishment, guidance, and fellowship. Feel free to explore our various programs, events, and resources designed to uplift and inspire. Our mission is to create an atmosphere where individuals can connect with the transformative power of Christ’s teachings, leading to a more meaningful and purposeful life.

What We Offer

Let’s Get Connected

Connect with Mind of Christ Ministries International and become an integral part of a community that values love, faith, and the transformative power of Christ’s teachings.

MOCM Cares about you

Outreach Opportunities

At Mind of Christ Ministries International, we believe in extending the love and compassion of Christ beyond the walls of our church. Our outreach programs are designed to make a positive impact on the lives of those in need.

We’re here for you

Submit Your Prayer Request

At Mind of Christ Ministries International, we believe in the power of prayer and the strength that comes from uniting in faith. Your prayer requests are important to us, and we invite you to share them with our dedicated prayer team.

Once you’ve submitted your request, our prayer warriors will lift your concerns, desires, and needs in prayer. Please be assured that your information will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and respect.

Mind of Christ Ministries International

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